Make sure all prior coatings are completely removed and the
wood surface is free from dust and other contamination.
Can be used on sanded, planed and brushed wood.
Touch dry: after 20 to 30 minutes.
Sandable : after 4 to 6 hours.
Lightly walkable: after 24 hours
The drying times are highly dependent on the applied quantity,
temperature, humidity and ventilation.
Regular maintenance with Hard Floor Fresh Ciranova®. Use
UNICARE X-MATT for periodic maintenance. Hard Floor Cleaner
Ciranova® is used for cleaning highly soiled floors and to remove
old layers of polish.
OCULTO PLUS can be used both as a primer and as a finishing
coat. It can be applied in three coats. Stir thoroughly before use
and do not dilute.
Apply the product using a roller or brush. A short-pile roller is
recommended (microfiber 4-6mm). Contact Ciranova technical
support for spray application.
Apply the first coat in the direction of the wood. After 4-6 hours,
apply a second coat in the same way as the first coat. Let dry for
12-24 hours and afterwards do an intermediate sanding using
grit 180-220
Coverage 10-12 m²/liter per coat