Creative Wood Floors
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wood panel flooring

Mapei Ultracoat Easy 30 % Gloss Semi-Matt Lacquer 5Ltr


Mapei Ultracoat Easy 30 % Gloss Level Semi-Matt Lacquer 5Ltr



Finish for wooden floors in residential settings offering normal protection and good resistance to wear and abrasion.
Ultracoat Easy is a one-component water-based formulate containing a mixture of self-curing acrylic and polyurethane
resins. The main characteristic of Ultracoat Easy is its excellent resistance to wear and scuff marks. It is also characterised
by its high transparency and excellent cover and is available in the versions 10, 30 and 60 gloss.
· Use, store and transport Ultracoat Easy if the temperature is between +10°C and +23°C.
· Do not use on external surfaces.
· Do not use as a finishing coat on wooden floors subjected to intense pedestrian use (public offices, shopping centres,
airports, etc.).
· Use only clean containers and tools.
· On types of wood with a high content of extracts we recommend testing the product to make sure it is compatible or
applying a coat of one-component undercoat such as Ultracoat Universal Base.
· Completely remove all traces of previous treatments in order to obtain an even finish.
· Protect treated surfaces from direct sunlight and draughts for the first 3 hours after application.
· Do not put leftovers of the product back into its original container.
· Once opened, the contents of each canister must be used as soon as possible. At high temperatures we recommend
diluting the product (Directive 2004/42/EC) with 10% clean water or with Ultracoat EL.
· Protect from freezing weather. When transporting at low temperatures use vehicles with temperature-controlled units.
Preparation of the product
Ultracoat Easy is supplied ready to use. Shake the product before use. Insert the filter into the neck of the canister and
pour the product into the special bowl. Remove the filter from the neck before closing the canister and clean it
thoroughly with clean water. Leave the product to stand for 5-10 minutes before applying.
Application of the product
Sand wooden floors with coarse and medium-grained sandpaper and remove all traces of dust with a vacuum cleaner. Fill
any cracks and gaps in the floor with Ultracoat Aqua Plus or Ultracoat Binder, following the instructions on the relative
Technical Data Sheet. Remove all traces of dust after sanding.
Apply a first, even coat of Ultracoat Easy or an undercoat of Ultracoat Universal Base with a Ultracoat Roller T10. If
Ultracoat Easy is used for the first coat, buff the surface after 3 hours with a Ultracoat SR 180/220 or Ultracoat Pad Special
Stripper. If an undercoat has been applied, proceed according to the instructions contained in the product’s relative

Dust Dry: 20 mins

Touch Dry: 35 - 40 mins

80-100 ml/m² for the first coat and 50-70 ml/m² for the next coats

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